The POWER GloCo Summit was a FREE two-(half) day virtual event on September 21st and 22nd, 2022, hosted by the NASA POWER Project Team.
Come celebrate the project’s 25th anniversary at the Global Community Summit by viewing the event recordings below.
Program Manager/Deputy Director of the Applied Sciences Program
NASA POWER Chief Scientist
Institute for Sustainable Food Systems
Bentley Systems, Incorporated™
RETScreen International
During tailored, community-driven breakout sessions, users had the opportunity to collaborate with subject matter experts in brainstorming ideas for enhancements and improvements to POWER's applications and data offerings.
The Renewable Energy Archive is designed to provide access to parameters specifically tailored to assist in the design of solar and wind powered renewable energy systems.
The Sustainable Buildings Archive is designed to provide industry-friendly parameters for the buildings community, to include parameters in multi-year monthly averages.
The Agroclimatology Archive is designed to provide web-based access to industry-friendly parameters formatted for input to crop models contained within agricultural DSS.
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