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The POWER Project provides direct access to its complete datastore in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Service Solution (S3) buckets in cloud-optimized formats. This datastore and associated access is provided by AWS's Registry of Open Data and is accessible free of charge to everyone.

As a note, all POWER services and tools utilize this common data when providing data to users. For example, the POWER APIs process and deliver data from the Analysis Ready Datastore (ARD) bucket, customizing the data to community-specific units and formats. However, this service has rate, data transfer, and timeout limits due to a balance of user-experience optimization and cost-saving measures. By connecting directly to data in AWS, users can bypass service limitations.

For direct online data access, the POWER team recommends utilizing the Zarr-based data stored in the Analysis Ready Datastore (ARD) bucket. While also publicly available, the data in the other two buckets are tailored for specific POWER services and are not recommended for use over the ARD.

Bucket Abbreviation Format Easy Direct Access Services
POWER Analysis Ready Datastore ARD Zarr Yes API Services; Python Access
POWER Datastore DDD NetCDF No POWER Data Download
POWER Services Datastore SDS CRF No ArcGIS Image Services

You can find Python code samples for connecting to POWER data in AWS in the POWER AWS Tutorials.