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The restful Application Programming Interfaces (API) support analysis ready data distribution through a frame work of microservices that retrieve, subset, and convert the data into user community specific Analysis Ready Data (ARD) formats.

Changes from v1 to v2

  • No longer able to request multiple file types in a single API request, where previously a link was provided in the outputs section of the JSON response. The API now streams the requested file type directly as a response object.

API Response Times Vary

The response times vary between the different service endpoints and server load a given time.

  • As a general rule the higher the temporal level (Daily vs a Climatology) and the greater number of parameters requested will slightly slow down the API's response.
  • Using a regional tool will result in a greater number of data values returning causing the API's response to be significantly slower than a single point request.
Service Architecture Diagram

services v2


Category Description
Temporal The APIs that return user community specific Analysis Ready Data (ARD) products.
Application The APIs that return user specified reports and validation products that use the Temporal APIs.
System The APIs that supply consistent configuration information across the APIs.

API Response Times Vary

The response times vary between the different services and load a given time.

  • As a general rule the higher the temporal level (Hourly vs a Climatology) and the greater number of parameters requested will slightly slow down the API's response.
  • The Application API's are the slowest to respond; they typically include multiple temporal data request that run simultaneously. Additionally, have more intensive back end processing, but they requests will complete in under a minute.


POWER microservice API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

Code Explanation Description
200 Success The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The endpoint rejected the request do to incorrect inputs.
401 Not Authorized Your user is Not Authorized to access the endpoint.
404 Not Available The services is not available.
429 Too Many Requests Too Many Requests.
450 Data Unreachable The POWER Data Archive is unreachable.
460 Service Unreachable The POWER API Services are unreachable.
500 Server Error Something went wrong on our end; if it persists send a help ticket.
502 Bad Gateway Something went wrong; if it persists send a help ticket.
504 Gateway Timeout Something went wrong; if it persists send a help ticket.
550 Data Issue An error occurred reading the POWER data; if it persists send a help ticket.

400 Responses List Violations

The HTTP response code 400 lists all syntax and parameter violations in the response. Please review and make the necessary changes before resubmitting the request.