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Referencing Guide

When POWER data products are used in a publication include both POWER's Reference and POWER's Data Reference in any work product or publication.

POWER's Reference

The data was obtained from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center (LaRC) Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resource (POWER) Project funded through the NASA Earth Science/Applied Science Program.

When referencing POWER data products please include the service name, version number, and date accessed.

POWER's Data Reference

The data was obtained from the POWER Project's Hourly 2.x.x version on YYYY/MM/DD.

Publication Notification

The POWER Project kindly requests that users of the POWER data productions send a reference, web link and/or a reprint of any published papers, reports, or a brief description of other uses (for example posters, oral presentations, etc.) of the POWER data products to

Redistribution Notification

To assist the POWER Project in providing the best service to the scientific community, we request notification if you transmit POWER data to other researchers.