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Specific Humidity


Scatter plot of the re-gridded MERRA-2 daily specific humidity vs. the daily station observations values from the NCEI GSOD files for every 3rd year from 1981 – 2014.

Daily Specific Humidity

The color bar along the right side of the scatter plot provides a measure of the distribution of the NCEI, MERRA-2 specific humidity pairs in bins of 1 g/kg. For example, the left column along the vertical color bar shows that each data point in dark blue represents the number ground site/MERRA-2 data pairs within 10% (i.e. <=39,757) of the maximum number of data pairs within a 1g/kg bins in the plot (i.e. 397,571). Additionally, from the right side of the vertical color bar it can be seen that all the points shown in dark blue contain 22.22% of the total number of ground site, MERRA-2 data pairs (6,209,425). The remaining 77.8% of the data pairs are concentrated along the 1:1 grey line.